
Eccentric upper body exercises
Eccentric upper body exercises

For the sake of this article supramaximal eccentrics will be discussed. These exercises can be accomplished using submaximal (100% 1RM). Another theory is once you break the protective mechanism in place by your brain (injury protection), you can theoretically begin to push the boundaries in concentric overhead movement, or speed (i.e.

eccentric upper body exercises

The idea behind developing eccentric strength in the posterior upper body stems from the idea that if you can accept more force eccentrically, you can transmit more force concentrically (similar to Cal’s picture above). However, this type of training may benefit athletes of all sports. The target population for this type of training is baseball pitchers, hitters, swimmers, tennis athlete, javelin athletes, or any other sport involving an overhead action. Throwers in this post can also be interchanged with the word overhead athletes. This article was developed to help you come up with eccentric exercises that will help strengthen the posterior upper body eccentrically, specifically in throwers. They can explain it much better than I can. If you are looking for resources to better understand eccentric training, check out the work down by Cal Dietz and Charles Poliquin.

eccentric upper body exercises

The main point of this article is not to dive into the mechanisms of eccentric training, however this article will provide some exercises you can implement right now in your training. However, eccentrically you can handle loads much greater than that…possibly 120% of your 1RM (480 lbs). For example, you might be able to back squat 400 lbs concentrically. Research shows that when compared to concentric movement, eccentric movement can handle much higher loads. This is important not only for sport performance and muscle size, but also for injury prevention. TUT guidelines vary depending on who you talk to, however the idea behind TUT is that the longer you provide a stimulus (length and tension) on the muscle-tendon unit (MTU) the stronger and more robust it will become (adaptation). It’s main premise is time-under-tension, or TUT. The bottom of the “V” or transition point is the amortization phase, or also known as the isometric phase.Įccentric movement is a lot more complex than just “slow down”. The red is the eccentric movement and the blue is the concentric movement. The picture above is from the work of Cal Dietz. The eccentric movement is the lowering down of the weight down…pretty simple right? For example, during a bicep curl the concentric movement is the actual “curl” part. Concentric movement is what we all think of when we think of lifting weights. If you don’t, you should probably purchase Triphasic Training right here (I’ll even provide the link, no affiliation).Įccentric movement in its most simplest form is the reverse muscle action to concentric movement. By now we should all know what eccentric strength is.

Eccentric upper body exercises