If the actor commits any crime, the wanted level rises. The default option is Normal, which is similar to the one in story mode. Wanted Status: You can set the wanted level.There are multiple weather options such as clear, broken cloud, overcast, hazy, snowy, smog, fog, rain, and thunder. Weather: You can set the weather in the game.You also have the option to freeze time, so there is no change at all. You can "fine-tune" the time by 10 minutes per 0.5 seconds in Director Mode. Other pre-defined times include pre-dawn, dawn, morning, midday, afternoon, sunset, and dusk. There are pre-defined hours, such as Midnight always starts at 12:00 AM. Time of Day: You can change the time of day in the game.

The following are the available settings:

These are basically the cheat codes in the free mode map that can be altered to fit the scene best to be "directed." Settings - In Casting Trailer Menu The Settings menu allows you to tweak several "worldly" features such as weather, time, invincibility, super jump, etc. It is also available via the Interaction Menu when in the Director Mode. Settings MenuĪnother menu available on the casting trailer menu screen is the 'Settings' menu. Once you unlock an actor for Director Mode, you receive a notification on the screen telling you that the actor is now available in the Director Mode. Note that some of the actors are only available in the Director Mode once they are unlocked in the game's Story Mode by completing a certain mission or completing collectible missions. The following are the 17 categories you can choose your actor from: You can select a single actor, from 17 different categories, that you can control in the free mode map. On this screen, you can select a wide array of options which are as follows: Actors When you first enter the director mode, you are at a casting trailer menu screen. There are many features in the Director Mode that allow you to change your character and the weather, time of the day, wanted status, and many more fun features that we've covered in-depth below. PC: Open the interaction menu by pressing the 'M' key on your keyboard or type in the cheat code JRTALENTĬalling 1-999-57-825368 spells out JRTALENT.

PS4: Use the cell phone cheat below or access it via interaction menu that can be brought by pressing the 'touchpad.'.Xbox One: Use the cell phone cheat below or use the interaction menu that can be brought up by pressing the 'View' button.And in case you forgot the different system codes for the "cheat code" method of access to Director Mode, here they are: